Upload Company Signature by using different methods such as Drawing, Typing, uploading a signature image from mobile/computer, and capturing signature image from mobile camera with Company Signature title.
Manage all your Company's Info/Details and set currency so that those details will appear on document's PDF (Invoice, Estimate, Purchase Order, Credit Note)
Change/Set document's ID/Number (Invoice, Estimate, Purchase Order, Credit Note) as per your choice. You can customize your document's number and use a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols.
To get paid online you can upload payment Barcode/QR code image or insert payment URL/link. The uploaded barcode/QR code image will appear on Invoice PDF and your client can scan that Barcode/QR code and pay you online. After inserting payment URL/link it will create a create a clickable Pay Now button with a clickable link on the PDF. Due to which you would get paid online.
Change the label/Text of Grand Total and Adjustments as per your choice. Adjustments helps you to round off the Grand Total. Add any +ve or -ve charges that need to be applied to adjust the Grand Total Eg. +10 or -10.