Credit Notes – Overview Information regarding Credit Note: 1) What is a credit note? 2) When it is used? 3) What are the Credit Note statuses used within the app?
Use of reference/order number field Reference number field is an optional space where you can enter any number or a string which is related to the documents (Invoice, P.O, Credit Note)
Email Status There are different email statuses used within the application and each status is represented by different color - Red, green and blue planes icon.
Use of Adjustments field | Change Adjustments/Grand Total label text from document Change the label/Text of Grand Total and Adjustments as per your choice. Adjustments helps you to round off the Grand Total. Add any +ve or -ve charges that need to be applied to adjust the Grand Total Eg. +10 or -10.
Not able to remove / change assigned client from a document If you are trying to change assigned client from a document (Invoice, PO, Credit Note) but not able to do it then this article is for you