In this article, we will explain you more about how to add/create a group tax so that you can assign it to an item in an Invoice.
iOS and Android
- From side menu tap / click on Taxes under Settings
- Before adding a group tax you need to create primary taxes if you have not already created.
- Tap / Click on option available at top right corner or tap / click on Add tax button.
- Tap / click on Add Group Tax.
- Enter group tax title as per your choice.
- You will see a list of primary taxes and compound taxes that you have added/created.
- Select primary tax / taxes or Primary tax / taxes with a compound tax that you want to group together so as to apply it to an item in Invoice.
- Tap / Click on Save.
- From side menu click on Settings.
- Click on Taxes.
- Before adding a group tax you need to create primary taxes if you have not already created.
- Click on Add Group Taxes.
- Enter group tax title as per your choice.
- You will see a list of primary taxes and compound taxes that you have added / created.
- Select primary tax / taxes or Primary tax / taxes with a compound tax that you want to group together so as to apply it to an item in Invoice.
- Click on Save.
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